SF Ballot Measures – Insights & Recommendations

3 things you may find helpful as you decide your vote for 8 San Francisco measures on the June 7th ballot:

  1. On May 9th, BCNA sponsored a 1-hour ballot measure review with Supervisor Peskin, with public comments.  [Link]
  2. BCNA has compiled others’ recommendations on the 8 measures (SF Chronicle, SPUR, Q. Kopp, League of Women Voters. [Link]
  3. The BCNA Board reviewed the measures from a Barbary Coast Neighborhood perspective and supports the following propositions:
    • Prop A (Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond)
    • Prop B (Building Inspection Commission)
    • Prop E (Behested Payments)
    • Prop F (Refuse Collection and Disposal)
    • The BCNA Board is neutral on the remaining 4 propositions.

The forums and research are done entirely by volunteers, but we still need to fund our modest infrastructure (website, email, etc). Please support our efforts by becoming a member for as little as $20/year.  Click here to JOIN or confirm your membership. 

Thank you!
BCNA Board