Spotlight on Embarcadero Early Projects

Pier 9 Bulkhead Wall and Wharf Substructure Earthquake Safety Retrofit Project

Pier 9 is an historic finger pier housing diverse maritime offices, including the San Francisco Bar Pilots and Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA), both of which are important for disaster response. This project focuses on improvements to safety by retrofitting the wharf substructure and utilities to better accommodate earthquake movement of the Seawall. One-page status summary.

There are 23 Embarcadero Early Projects addressing the areas of highest earthquake and sea level rise risks along the Embarcadero waterfront. They are near-term actions, focused on improving life safety and citywide disaster response capabilities, and are the first step toward building long-term, waterfront-wide resilience.  See the list.

Source: Port of San Francisco newsletter dated July 15, 2022, “Celebrating Summer 2022 on the Waterfront”

SF Ballot Measures – Insights & Recommendations

3 things you may find helpful as you decide your vote for 8 San Francisco measures on the June 7th ballot:

  1. On May 9th, BCNA sponsored a 1-hour ballot measure review with Supervisor Peskin, with public comments.  [Link]
  2. BCNA has compiled others’ recommendations on the 8 measures (SF Chronicle, SPUR, Q. Kopp, League of Women Voters. [Link]
  3. The BCNA Board reviewed the measures from a Barbary Coast Neighborhood perspective and supports the following propositions:
    • Prop A (Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond)
    • Prop B (Building Inspection Commission)
    • Prop E (Behested Payments)
    • Prop F (Refuse Collection and Disposal)
    • The BCNA Board is neutral on the remaining 4 propositions.

The forums and research are done entirely by volunteers, but we still need to fund our modest infrastructure (website, email, etc). Please support our efforts by becoming a member for as little as $20/year.  Click here to JOIN or confirm your membership. 

Thank you!
BCNA Board

May 9th – Ballot Measure Discussion – Register for Zoom Link

Join Aaron Peskin and the BCNA in a discussion of the ballot measures we will vote on in the June 7th election.

We expect a lively interchange so bring your questions and opinions to the forum on Monday, May 9th at 6 PM by Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link for the meeting.