Crazy Cars and Noisy Motorbikes: We Want to Hear from You!

Lately the incidents of excessively noisy motorcycles and reckless nighttime vehicle sideshows along the Embarcadero, Broadway, and Fisherman’s Wharf have become much worse. The Barbary Coast Neighborhood Association has responded by forming a Safety Committee to work with the San Francisco Police Department, the Port, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and other partners on enforcement and new solutions.

While the Safety Committee is ramping up, we encourage all of you who experience these noise and safety violations to CALL THE SFPD NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER (415-553-0123) or 311 (by phone or app). SFPD needs to know when and where these problems are occurring. Here are a couple of recent examples:

  • Paul L. of Telegraph Landing called SFPD about loud cars congregating in the Pier 29 Cruise Terminal parking lot for a “side show.” A police car showed up and broke up the gathering.
  • Diana T. of Gateway Commons called SFPD twice on Halloween night, first at 6 PM to report about 60 motorbikes racing down Embarcadero, many with illegal mufflers, and again about 12:30 AM when she was awakened by the noise of multiple vehicles racing down Broadway.

If you have been disturbed by reckless or noisy vehicles, please give us the details in the comments below or contact us by email.  We will keep members updated on our efforts to address these issues.