BCNA’s Accomplishments in 2016

Action on Key Projects:

  • Engaged with city officials and groups on waterfront development. Placed high priority on advocacy regarding the Port’s proposed Affordable Housing project at 88 Broadway (Broadway and Front streets). Served on developer selection committee, resulting in plans for one family building of about 130 units and one seniors building of about 52 units, with 24 family units and 7 senior units designated for moderate-income and middle-income households. Both buildings comply with the existing 65-foot height limit, with active retail and community serving spaces on all four sides, pedestrian walkways separating the buildings, and minimal parking spaces on the ground floor.
  • Met regularly with representatives of Teatro ZinZanni to review project concepts for the Broadway and the Embarcadero. Addressed meeting of Port Commission that unanimously approved the Teatro ZinZanni plans, supporting that approval.
  • Submitted official comments on the Port’s Waterfront Land Use Plan (WLUP) review that included comments on various projects and supporting more planning & dialogue with the neighborhood.
  • Hosted an information session for members and others to hear representatives of the Port and developer Jamestown about the development of the bulkhead building at Pier 29 at which neighbors were able to ask questions and voice concerns.
  • Submitted opposition to Broadway clubs’ (Centerfold, Penthouse) application for extended closing time (4 am).

Represented the Neighborhood:

  • Continued our strong relationship with our District Supervisor, Aaron Peskin. Contacted him on various issues including affordable housing and loss of neighborhood serving retail.
  • Served on the Community Police Advisory Board – CPAB providing a formal channel for neighborhood concerns and feedback on crime and safety issues.
  • Served on the Northeast Waterfront Advisory Group – NEWAG, which provides input to the Port on various activities and projects of interest to the neighborhood.
  • Participated in meetings of the Waterfront Design Advisory Committee related to Port and neighborhood projects.
  • Participated with the Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods – CSFN to address issues common to the city’s neighborhoods.

 Sponsored Forums and Information:

  • Cosponsored with Golden Gateway Tenants Association an informational forum on the Planning Department’s Urban Design Guidelines.
  • Sponsored an Informational Forum on 2016 State and Local Ballot Propositions featuring State Assemblyman David Chiu and District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin
  • Published online updates chronicling issues that matter most to Barbary Coasters, including the 88 Broadway affordable housing project and a public forum held jointly by Assemblyman David Chiu and supervisor Aaron Peskin.
  • Expanded BCNA communications through a new website ( ), email address ( ) and Facebook page ( )

Engaged With Members and the Community:

  • Held regular neighborhood “Sunday Social” events, introducing Barbary Coasters to restaurants and lounges in our area, giving them a chance to meet and mingle.
  • Hosted historical walking tours in the Barbary Coast by SF Historical Society tour guide.
  • Continued our affiliate relationship with the Golden Gateway Tenants Association to broaden membership and expand the reach of BCNA representation and communications.
  • Planned informational forums in 2017 on neighborhood developments—88 Broadway, Teatro Zinzanni, and more—stay tuned!