BCNA Opposes Bill to Extend Alcohol Sales to 4 AM

The Barbary Coast Neighborhood Association strongly opposes SB 384, which would permit the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to authorize sales of alcoholic beverages at licensed premises between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., subject to local requirements. The bill recently passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and will be voted on by the full Senate this week. If it passes the Senate, it will then go to the Assembly. BCNA sent the following letter to express our objections to the bill:

March 20, 2017

Ms. Naomi Padron, Consultant
Senate Government Organization Committee
1020 N. Street, Room 584
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: SB 384 (Wiener), February 14 Version: STRONGLY OPPOSED

Dear Ms. Padron:

SB 384 establishes a process whereby on-sale licensees can apply to the ABC to extend alcohol sales to 4 a.m. We are strongly opposed to this measure for the following reasons:

  • It simply extends the noise and negative impacts on surrounding residents for two more hours. There are a number of areas throughout the state where entertainment activities are adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Our organization represents a neighborhood directly affected by the traffic, noise and unruly behavior caused by nightlife on the Broadway corridor. We experience a great deal of noise generated by loud intoxicated crowds, car horns, and music from open club doors. On many nights, patrons of Broadway businesses have spilled into surrounding residential areas with behavior that makes some residents apprehensive and uncomfortable. Other residents have lost sleep. Two more hours of alcohol sales won’t lessen those impacts.
  • It creates additional public safety concerns. This bill would encourage more people to drive from areas where bars close earlier to those where bars close later. It would also result in late night drinkers sharing the road with early morning commuters. Common sense says extending the hours of availability of alcohol will increase – not decrease – DUI concerns.

The argument that extending hours of operation to 4:00 AM will somehow reduce the negative impacts on cities and neighborhoods is simply unfounded. It merely extends the time for disruptive behavior. This bill is bad in principle for the state and bad for our neighborhood.

Carol Holland Parlette

cc: Mr. Bryan King
Mr. David Scheidt
Mr. Taylor Glass