By Bob Harrer
The City is moving to develop an affordable housing project of 114 units on an existing parking lot at Broadway and Front streets.
The Mayorâs Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) is managing the project, which would be for low-income households.
Community organizations have urged the Port and MOHCD to instead build affordable housing for moderate-income households.
To date, the MOHCD has steadfastly refused to consider any other option than housing for low-income households at this site. Indeed, they plan to include a requirement that at least 20% of the units will be set aside for âformerly homelessâ families and other special situations.
MOHCD has said it will cost the City $12.5 million dollars more to build moderate-income housing due to the lack of federal subsidies.
Community organizations have brought up any number of ideas to look for other sources of funding.
For whatever reason, the MOHCD has refused to consider any alternative to its standard approach with low-income housing.In a series of meetings with the Port and the MOHCD, community organizations have focused on two key messages:
Build housing for moderate-income households, which still qualifies as affordable housing.
Dedicate the ground floor of the project to vibrant retail-commercial-community purposes that will serve to activate the neighborhood.
It is difficult to fathom why MOHCD will not consider an alternative approach.  The middle class is shrinking precipitously in the City. The greatest shortfall in new housing in the City is for moderate-income households.
Two other affordable-housing developments nearby on Broadway already serve low-income households. Unfortunately, the MOHCDâs position on moderate-income housing at SWL 322-1 appears in sharp contrast to the messages emanating from other city officials expressing strong support for new housing for the middle class.
At present, three critical public events are scheduled:
- Feb. 10: MOHCD is planning to make an informational presentation on the Cityâs Affordable Housing Program to the Port Commission at its meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. It is anticipated that this presentation will include a status report on the SWL 322-1 project, the Working Group meetings to date, and project schedule. NEWAG members and interested citizens are invited to attend to participate in the Port Commission public discussion.
- March 4:Â Public review of the project and the proposed RFP to be sent to prospective developers.
- March 24: Presentation of RFP to Port Commission for approval.
People should consider attending and expressing their point of view at these events, if they occur as scheduled.
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