Please Vote! BCNA Statement on Governor Recall Election

The California Gubernatorial Recall Election is underway. As a nonpartisan organization, the Barbary Coast Neighborhood Association does not take positions on candidates; however, we do encourage all of our members and neighbors to be active, engaged citizens and vote!

Every active registered voter will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for the recall election. Ballots must be postmarked, placed in a dropbox, or delivered to a polling place by 8 pm on September 14, 2021.

There are only two questions on the ballot:

  1. Should GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?
  2. Who should succeed Newsom IF he’s recalled?

If the majority of voters vote Yes on the first question, the second question on this ballot will immediately determine who becomes the next Governor of California. More than 50% of the vote is required for the recall, but the second question does not require a majority. The candidate with the most votes would win the election and become the next Governor. There are 46 candidates running in the replacement election: 24 from the Republican Party, 9 from the Democratic Party, and 13 from other parties or with no party affiliation.

The Governor of California makes decisions about taxes, spending, the pandemic (including the possible elimination of all mandates), regulations, wildfires, drought, homelessness and all our other current critical problems. The Governor appoints hundreds of high-level state employees and even appoints a new U.S. Senator to fill an unexpected vacancy.

This election is critical to the future of California, and this election will decide who will be the Governor of California for the remainder of this term.