Community Meeting on District 3 Homeless Navigation Center Scheduled for Dec. 11th

Supervisor Aaron Peskin’s office has confirmed that a community meeting about potential locations for a District 3 Navigation Center has been scheduled for Monday, December 11th (time and place TBD). BCNA members are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting to learn more about the proposed Navigation Center, ask questions, and express their viewpoint. (We will update with time and location details when we get them.)

From Supervisor Peskin’s newsletter:
· On November 1, a packed room of our District 3 neighbors gathered to discuss rising homelessness in the community. I was pleased to share the stage with our City partners: Commander David Lazar, Captain Paul Yep from SFPD Central Station, Director Jeff Kositsky from the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, and Director Mohammed Nuru from the Department of Public Works. After informative presentations from the Departments and a robust Q and A, the community overwhelmingly expressed its support of a navigation center as an important tool in addressing homelessness. In the last several weeks, my office has identified two possible sites in the district, 88 Broadway and Pier 23. We are now working with City departments and the community to better understand the issues with each site.

Those who missed the November 1st community meeting can find more information here:

Other articles about Navigation Center locations (Dogpatch and proposed District 3):