Sunday Social: Election Day Preview With Special Guests (Oct. 23 at 4 PM)

There will be happy hour drinks and appetizers.  Assemblyman David Chiu will unravel
a few of the state propositions, and District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin will lead us through a few of the city’s propositions.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about the upcoming ballot measures. Join your neighbors for a few hours of fun, education, and conversation.

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You can find more information at the following sites, which are for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by the BCNA or its Board of Directors.

Analysis of State Ballot Measures

CA League of Women Voters recommendations:

KQED news and analysis of state ballot measures:

Independent policy analyst:

Analysis of San Francisco Propositions

SF League of Women Voters: (2-pager) and (more detail)

SF Chronicle recommendations:

SF League of Pissed-Off Voters: (although irreverent and profanity-laced, this is a well-researched analysis with a libertarian-progressive bent)