BCNA’s Accomplishments June 2014–June 2015

Accomplishments Since Last Year  (June, 2014—June, 2015)

Pursued Key Projects:

  • Engaged with city officials and groups on waterfront development.  Placed high priority on advocacy regarding the Port’s proposed Affordable Housing project at Broadway and Front streets.  We seek a project that will benefit the neighborhood with housing for moderate-income households while addressing design concerns to activate the street area, among others.
  • Endorsed Proposition B regulating height of waterfront development projects.
  • Met with representatives from Teatro Zinzanni to review project concepts for the Broadway & Embarcadero location.  Endorsed Teatro Zinzanni’s request at the Board of Supervisors to negotiate a sole source agreement with the Port.
  • Submitted official comments on the Port’s Waterfront Land Use Plan (WLUP) review that included comments on various projects and supporting more planning & dialogue with the neighborhood.
  • Upgraded BCNA website ( to be more relevant, informative, and interactive. Published several articles in the Barbary Coast News, including highlights of key Grand Jury reports and sea level rise issues.

Represented the Neighborhood:

  • Continued our strong relationship with our District Supervisor, currently Julie Christensen.  Contacted her on various issues including affordable housing.
  • Served on the Community Police Advisory Board – CPAB providing a formal channel for neighborhood concerns and feedback on crime and safety issues.
  • Served on the Northeast Waterfront Advisory Group – NEWAG which provides input to the Port on various activities and projects of interest to the neighborhood.
  • Participated with the Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods – CSFN to address issues common to the city’s neighborhoods.
  • Participated in meetings of the eastern neighborhood organizations focusing on common transportation issues.

Sponsored Forums and Information

  • Published numerous articles in the Barbary Coast News chronicling the issues that matter most to Barbary Coasters, including coverage of the new Cruise Terminal, the affordable housing project, Grand Jury reports on the Port and Mayor’s Office of Housing, and sea level rise.
  • Supported the “National Night Out” event bringing the neighborhood and law enforcement together.
  • Hosted a walking tour explaining the history and sights of the legendary Barbary Coast.

Conducted Ongoing Activities:

  • Held three neighborhood “Sunday Social” events and a Halloween party, introducing Barbary Coasters to restaurants and lounges in our area, plus giving them a chance to meet and mingle.
  • Continued our affiliate relationship with the Golden Gateway Tenants Association to broaden membership and expand the reach of BCNA representation and communications.
  • Monitored and provided ongoing feedback on a number of developments affecting Barbary Coast residents including the SWL 322-1 Affordable Housing Project, Pier 27 Cruise Terminal, and the relocation of Teatro ZinZanni to Broadway and Embarcadero.